This is the commands I run to resize automatically the VPS disks when I have resized the disk through Proxmox interface.
#!/bin/bash # This is only needed if you use GPT type tables echo "Fix" | /usr/local/sbin/parted ---pretend-input-tty /dev/sdb print # Resize partition 1 using all the space /usr/local/sbin/parted /dev/sdb resizepart 1 100% # I use LVM so the physical volume must be resized first pvresize /dev/sdb1 # Resize the logical volume using all space available lvresize /dev/vgdata/home -l +100%FREE # Finally notify file system to use all the space resize2fs /dev/vgdata/home
Note: I use parted 3.2, if your distribution comes with an older one uninstall it and install it from sources