If you are used to work with Debian based distributions as well as RedHat based distributions this post is useful to see what is the counterpart command in both systems:
[table width=”600″ border=1 colwidth=”200|200|200″ colalign=”left|center|center”] Command Description,Debian,RedHatSearch package,apt-cache search package,yum search package
Look available packages in the repository,apt-cache show package,yum –showduplicates list package | expand
Install specific package version,apt-get install package=x.y.z,yum install package-x.y.z
List files installed by a package, dpkg -L package, rpm -ql package
Which package has installed the file, dpkg -S /path/to/file, rpm -qf /path/to/file or yum provides /path/to/file
Look if the package is installed, dpkg -l | grep package, rpm -qa | grep package